2019 Camp Card Sale Begins March 10th!
Click on the images above to see an example of each Districts Camp Card.
The Conquistador Council is pleased to announce the “Camp Card”. This initiative is designed to help Scouts earn their way to a summer/day camp and additional programs. Units participating in this program will earn up to 50% commission ($5.00) on each $10 Camp Card they sell (see commission schedule). The cards will be available early March 2019. The sale will end on May 3rd, giving units over 7 weeks to sell cards. Accounts are to be closed out by May 3rd, so plan accordingly.
This program is RISK FREE and simple following these steps:
1. Units sign up for camp cards below
2. Begin promotion within your unit and set an individual sales goal for each Scout.
3. Check out Camp Cards from the Scout office based on your goal number (Monies are paid at the end of the sale)
4. Sell cards, door to door, to family and friends and at show and sell events at high traffic retailers.
5. At the conclusion of the sale, your unit pays the council $5 for each card sold and retains $5 as your commission. Any unsold cards must be returned to the office as they are considered as "cash value".
Following these steps earns you a 50% commsission!
Click HERE to download the 2019 Camp Card Leaders Guide.