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Frequently Asked Questions

We understand you may have questions when starting your Scouting adventure.

We’re here to help.

What are the Scouting programs?

Cub Scouting

A year-round, family-friendly program designed for children in kindergarten through fifth grade (ages 5-10). Activities are used to achieve the aims of Scouting—citizenship training, character development, and personal fitness.

Scouts BSA

Designed for ages 11-17, youth in Scouts BSA learn responsible citizenship, character development, and self-reliance through participation in a wide range of outdoor activities and educational programs.


A high-adventure-based program for young men and women between the ages of 14 and 20. Its purpose is to provide positive experiences to help youth mature and prepare them to become responsible adults.



A career development program for young men and women between the ages of 14 and 20. Exploring units have a focus on a single career field, such as police, fire/rescue, health, law, aviation, and engineering.

How much does Scouting cost?

Scouting does charge fees for membership, events, and trips. Council and unit fundraising will help with those costs including Popcorn sales and will give a Scout the opportunity to earn the money needed to participate in summer camp or other programs. Conquistador Council believes all young people should participate in and enjoy Scouting programs regardless of circumstance. If you would like more information about scholarships, please contact us by email or by phone at (575)-622-3461.


Below is a list of basic needs to start in each Scouting program. Items are available at Council Scout Shops. Before purchasing any items, speak with your unit leader, and he or she will be able to tell you more about any specific uniform or equipment guidelines for the pack, troop, or crew.

National Membership Fees

Updated February 20, 2024


The National Boy Scouts of America organization sets the fee amounts to register as a member of Scouting.


Effective April 1, 2024, the BSA will eliminate the $25 one-time joining fee for new program participants in Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing, and Sea Scouting. Additionally, the BSA will implement the following national membership fees, which were approved by the National Executive Committee:

  • $85 for Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing and Sea Scouting participants ($5 increase)

  • $65 for all adult volunteers ($5 increase to provide general liability insurance and enhanced background checks)

  • $30 for Scoutreach (no change)

  • $25 for Merit Badge Counselors (no change; fee applies only for Merit Badge Counselors not already registered as leaders)

  • $50 for youth and adult Exploring participants (no change)

  • $100 for a unit charter/affiliation fee (no change)

  • $15 for Scout Life magazine (no change)


In addition to these increases, the BSA has streamlined its professional staff and volunteer structure and reduced costs throughout the movement while maintaining essential services to support local councils.

Current Scouts and adult volunteers will renew their membership during their normal registration and recharter cycle this fall. Moving forward, all members will renew on their anniversary date.  The anniversary date for currently registered members will be their unit recharter month (December for all Conquistador Council units). 


The goal of these changes is to streamline the rechartering and membership renewal process for units and individual members.  If you have questions about the new process, please contact a District staff member here.

What does the annual membership fee cover?

The national BSA membership fee helps cover the cost of essential services to units and local councils.  Services include expanded liability insurance for those participating in approved Scouting activities, enhanced criminal background checks, a variety of program resources, youth protection, and leader-specific training, and the development of intellectual property for national, council, and unit programs.

2024 NSA National Annual Membership Fees
What is the Rank Structure?
Which District would I be in?

El Llano Grande District- Serving Roosevelt, De Baca, and Curry Counties 

Oil Patch District- Serving Lea County

Chisum Trail District- Serving Eddy County

Rio Hondo District- Serving Chaves County

Sierra Blanca District- Serving Lincoln County

What is needed on a uniform?
Council boundaries.png

One of Scouting’s methods of youth development includes wearing a uniform. The Scout uniform makes Scouting visible as a force of good, signifies a Scout’s commitment to Scouting ideals and serves as an economic equalizer of all Scouts. Additionally, the uniform serves as a recognition mechanism for earned advancement.

Below are the basic parts of a Cub Scout uniform.* As a Scout earns advancement ranks, they will receive belt loops, emblems and badges to add to their uniform. Any council Scout Shop can help you with purchasing your Scout’s uniform as well as understanding correct patch placement.


*Note: The Lion Cub uniform for kindergartners consists of a t-shirt and hat. Please contact your den leader or any council Scout Shop for more information.

Do I have to volunteer if my youth joins Scouting?

The Scouting organization is unique in that it relies on nearly 8,000 adult volunteers in central Indiana to provide the fun, adventure and life lessons our programs offer. These individuals come from all walks of life and have varying degrees of involvement.

Specifically, Cub Scouting is designed to be a family-friendly activity where the entire family can be a part of the fun and adventure of the program. The degree of your involvement is completely up to you and what makes sense for your family and time availability. Whether you hold an official volunteer position such as a den leader or committee member or assist with driving Scouts to summer camp, know that you are helping to ensure your Scout and their fellow Scouts are having a positive Scouting experience.

What if I have more questions?

If you are not involved in a pack, you should start by filling out the form found here so that we can match you with someone who can assist you. If you are already in a pack, we recommend starting with your den leader followed by the pack leadership. Our council website also has many resources for a variety of questions and is also linked to the national site. Finally, any council service center has staff ready to assist you with any request.

If you still have questions, contact our Council office.
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