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Winter Camping in Southeast New Mexico

Lovington Scouts Earning Points Towards the Camping 100 DEGREES OF FROST AWARD

This past Saturday Troop 300 of Lovington camped at Dog Canyon in the Guadalupe Nation Park. Together, this winter campout earned them 11 frost points for getting to 21 degrees that night. They are one step closer to reaching their goal of completing the achievement.

Troop 300 Lovington Scouts


The 100 Degrees of Frost Award is presented to the Boy Scout, Varsity Scout, Venturer, or adult leader who “earns” 100 or more below-freezing points annually between October 1st and May 30th. One point is awarded for each degree below freezing recorded during a campout. The degree of temperature is determined by the “official” weather bureau station nearest the campsite; however, a leader’s thermometer reading will be accepted. Degrees (points) cannot be carried over to another season!


  1. Eight continuous hours must be spent between sunset and sunrise in a lean-to, snow shelter, under canvas (tent), or in the open.

  2. No stoves or heaters are permitted in the tents or shelters.

  3. Open fires are permitted as long as they do not constitute a hazard to the shelter or the surrounding area.

  4. Scouts and Venturers must be accompanied at all times by leadership approved by the Unit Committee.

  5. Organized District or Council activities may be used, as long as all rules are followed. Make-up nights and backyard camping for those who miss outings due to illness, etc., are authorized.

A special 100 Degree Frost Award patch is available from Council Service Centers. Unit leaders certify campers who have met the requirements. The award may be earned more than once.

For scouts who camp two nights every month through the CO/WY/NE cold season, it is easy to earn 100 points. Some troops have their patch for 200 points in a season.


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